Monday, September 10, 2007

Blog 3- My Media Selection: "Efficiency of Choice"

The two instances of media selection that I chose to discuss for this assignment reinforce the elements of the Media Richness Theory. The Media Richness Theory states that there is an optimal match between the equivocality of a communication task and the richness of the medium. As further background information, equivocality relates to the ambiguity or vagueness of what is being communicated. Additionally, Richness within the context of this theory refers to the multiplicity of cues, availability of feedback, and language variety allowed by a medium.

Instance one dealt with the communication task of coordinating a simple lunch meeting time with a friend. The message was simple and straightforward, and it included a specific time and place to convene. I sent the message content via text message. It consisted of something like “Lunch today? 1:30 at Terrace.” Because the message itself in this case was a “lean” one it did not require a rich medium. The most efficient way to communicate this unequivocal task was by using a corresponding direct medium like text messaging. There was no need for a rich medium, like a telephone call, because all the information that needed to be communicated was done so in a lean medium.

Instance two dealt with the communication task of informing a family member about the death of relative. Unlike instance one, the message was complex, emotionally charged, and somewhat equivocal. I gave the message over the phone only because physical distance did not allow for a face to face meeting. The message called for a rich medium that provided the easy transmission of a variety of cues, and a variety of emotions that needed to be expressed, making it appropriately efficient for the situation.

Many media selections we make are chosen to communicate a message in the most efficient way. The above two instances are examples that clearly demonstrate that, and moreover they support the essential framework stated in the Media Richness Theory. I believe that many people choose a medium for their message based on efficiency, especially considering we live in such a busy and hectic society. It would be interesting to examine research data about the content of a message and the corresponding medium people decide to use, especially with the recent popularity of text messaging.

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