Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bonus: The Future and Now

The world of technology never sleeps. With the ongoing advancements being developed on a daily basis, it is bound that the internet will too change to a more modernized level. Nevertheless, the theories that have been made will still apply. For instance, the Social Presence Theory by Short, Williams, and Christie that states that no matter what, CMC compared to FtF communication will lead to decreased social presence and impoverished impression formation being that there is a lack of nonverbal clues available to make judgments from. Despite the changes with internet, CMC will never be the same as FtF communication. However, the Hyperpersonal Model and SIDE factors will also be applicable being that there are always a small amount of cues available, so inflated perceptions, either positive or negative, of one will be made. The theory of Problematic Internet Use will also still hold and more than likely increase as a problem amongst users. With added features and increase attractiveness, users will only develop more of a preference and attachment to the internet causing them to prefer on line interaction even more than now.

Some theories will have to be modified to fit the circumstances. New technologies with computers certainly have enhanced visuals whereas people will be able to communicate as if they are talking FtF. Although technology will not allow perception of cues as FtF would, overtime the gap will be bridged closer together. In the age of having built in cameras and virtual pictures as necessities for online networks, overtime the use and development of these visual aids will only increase. Thus theories such as the Reduced Social Context Cues will not hold as strongly as it does not under these circumstances because there will be more nonverbal cues available. It will not be as easy for one to focus on the negatives and base judgments solely on that. The Social Presence Theory will have to be modified as well being that with more visuals, in CMC social presence will increase and social distance will decrease.

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