Monday, October 1, 2007

6-1:The Lurking Leviathan On Facebook

I believe that it is fair to assume that posting images with nudity on facebook or other social networking sites is deemed unacceptable. It is an understood social norm because like many other inappropriate, taboo, or illegal topics it is frowned down upon, or in the eloquent words of Wallace “an eyebrow is raised” at such conduct. We learn of social norms like this either through rules that are written down or sometimes through learned experience. In the case of facebook specifically, before posting any images to an album individuals have to check a box agreeing that the images are in no way pornographic or otherwise inappropriate. This is an example of how people using facebook come to know of the norm or social standard.

A Leviathan would be the instrumentation or entity that delivers punishment id you violates the established norm in some way. Punishment can range from the “raised eye brow,” like a warning or reprimand to something more severe like deletion of an account or being reported to authorities. Obviously it depends on the norms broken and the severity of the norm. In the case of facebook the Leviathan comes in different levels per se. First of all photos or even perhaps inappropriate comments have to be reported by a viewer which would be another facebook user. Secondly, once the report is made the Facebook administrators will handle the actions by the deletion or freezing of the perpetrators account. The administrators are the ultimate Leviathan but are aided by all the other facebook community users.

This concept of punishment for breaking social standards is based fundamentally on principals of conformity. In Chapter 4 Wallace discusses conformity first stating that it is the changing of behavior to fit into groups or those around you. Like she discusses and as evident here conformity is an example of how we give up individual freedoms for the greater good. By not posting offensive or illegal pictures or comments consequently there is the avoidance of harm done to others. Wallace then leads into the SIDE theory, which focuses on the social categories. The SIDE model concludes that when a group identity is salient and an individual is visually anonymous individuals are more likely to conform. In the case of facebook, the group itself is the facebook community as a whole, and the individual users (like you and me) are relatively anonymous in the scope of the medium. I feel this could be a possible explanation for why most people do conform to the social norm, which at minimum “raises and eyebrow” at distasteful postings.



Gretchen Schroeder said...


You have a good point in regards to the Facebook photo Leviathan. Besides photos of underage drinking, I don't think I've ever come across an inappropriate picture on Facebook (specifically, nudity). When uploading photos one must check the box about nudity/copyrighted pictures, but anyone could check this dishonestly. I think this is a great example of conformity on the internet.

minji song said...

Facebook is indeed an example of a controlled online space where a Leviathan is clearly evident. Because facebook is now widely used, it is important in this case to regulate usage. I believe there was an article in class that facebook is not doing enough to regulate inappropriate usage of facebook.

Good post.